Name Surname: Esra Yüce
Title: Associate Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Language: English
Phone: +90 444 20 60
Post Doc: Warwickshire & Coventry University, 2015
Ph.D.: Süleyman Demirel University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2014
Master’s Degree: Süleyman Demirel University, Institute of Health Sciences, Health Management, 2015
Licence: Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry, 2009
1. Aesthetic Dental Academy Association
2. CADA – Computer Aided Dentistry Academy
A. Articles Published in International and National Refereed Journals
1. Yuce E, Dereci O, Altın N, Koca C, by M (2020). Effects of different polyvinylpyrrolidone iodine concentrations on trismus and swelling following third molar surgery. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 70(12), 2304-2309.
2. Yuce E, Comeric N (2020). Comparison of the Efciacy of Intra-Articular Injection of Liquid Platelet-Rich Fibrin and Hyaluronic Acid After in Conjunction With Arthrocentesis for the Treatment of Internal Temporomandibular Joint Derangements. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 31(7), 1870-1874.
3. Yuce E, Komerik N (2019). Potential effects of advanced platelet rich brin as a wound-healing accelerator in the management of alveolar osteitis: A randomized clinical trial. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 22(9), 1189-1195.3
4. Komeik N, Yuce E, Şahin C N, Aslan K P, Çakır M, Koparan G (2017). Oral mucosa and lung cancer: Are genetic changes in the oral epithelium associated with lung cancer?. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 20(1), 12-18.
Dereci O, Sindel A, Toru H S, Yuce E, Ay S, Tozoğlu S (2016). The Comparison of the Efcacy of Blue Light-Emitting Diode Light and 980-nm Low-Level Laser Light on Bone Regeneration. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 27(8), 2185-2189.
Yuce E, Koçer G, Çini TA (2016). Current concepts of oral and maxillofacial rehabilitation and treatment in aviation.. General dentistry, 64(5), 44-8.
Yuce E, Baykul T, Hazelnut Y, Applause H (2016). Evaluation of Changes in Lip Closing Force After Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 27(3), 649-653.
Dereci O, Tüzüner AM, Koçer G, Yuce E, Öztürk A (2016). Ef cacy of immediate postoperative intramasseteric dexamethasone injection on postoperative swelling after mandibular impacted third molar surgery: A preliminary split-mouth study.. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 66(3), 320-3.
Yuce E, Comeric N (2015). Oral maxillofacial training: Opinions of trainees and specialists in Turkey. Journal of Contemporary Medical Education, 3(1), 25-30.
Koçer G, Yuce E, Tüzüner Am, Dereci O, Koşkan O (2014). Effect of the route of administration of methylprednisolone on oedema and trismus in impacted lower third molar surgery. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 43(5), 639-643
Koca C, Kosehasanogulları M, Yıldırım B, Kaya İ, Yuce E, Çiçek MF (2021). The Effect of Local and Single-Dose Teriparatide on Masseter Muscle Width and Early Mandibular Bone Healing. Van Medical Journal, 28(1), 151-158.
Yuce E, Yamaner ID (2020). Evaluation of the Effect of New Generation Precision Molecular Implant-Abutment Systems on Clinical Success and Marginal Bone Loss. Van Medical Journal, 27(4), 431-439.
Yuce E, Yamaner ID 2020). Evaluation of the Effects of Botulinum ToxinA Injection on Quality of Life in Patients with Myofascial Pain. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Health Sciences, 11(3), 322-329.
Şimşek HO, Yıldırım D, Görmez Ö, Yuce E, Kapucuoğlu FN (2014). Aneurysmal bone cyst of the mandible: Report of a case with a review of the literature. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, 2(2), 64-67.
B. Papers Presented at International and National Scientific Meetings
1. Yuce E. Comparison of Cell Proliferation Activity in Dental Follicle of the Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Impacted Teeth: a Preliminary Study. 2019 CED-IADR/NOF Oral Health Research Congress, 108-108.
2. Yuce E. Evaluation of the Relationship Between Clinical Symptoms and CBCT Findings in Patients with TMJ-Osteoarthritis. Turkish Dental Association 25th International Dentistry Congress, 77-77.
3. Yuce E, Coşkun Ü (2019). Current Knowledge and Clinical Perspectives on Myelodisplastic Syndromes in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Experiences in 12 Patients. Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 26th International Scientic Congress
4. Yamaner ID, Sertgöz A, Yuce E. Static or dynamic computer guided surgery: when and how?. EuroSciCon Conference On Dental Dental Hygiene, 3.
5. Yuce E, Yamaner ID Posted by M (2018). Conservative and Surgical Treatment of Antiresorptive Drug- Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw with Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Bone Surgery under Polyvinylpyrrolidone Iodine Irrigation:A Case Series of 13 Treated Sites.. 20th International Conference on Dental and OraL
C. Written National/International Books
Emergency Airway Management in Maxillofacial Trauma Patients (2020), YÜCE ESRA, Night Library Publishing House, ISBN:• 978-625-7243-49-0
D. Editorship and Refereeing
19. Journal of Intellectual Disability – Diagnosis and Treatment SPECIAL ISSUE: How Aware are we of the Potential Butter y Effect for Intellectual Disabilities? Oral Health, General Health and Life Quality, Journal, Guest Editor, Lifescience Global
20. Aydın Dental Journal Editor & Journal, Editorial Board Member
21. Selcuk Dental Journal Referee
22. SDU Journal of Health Sciences Refereeing